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Pregnancy Planning: Five Benefits of Preconception Health Care

Pregnancy Planning: Five Benefits of Preconception Health Care

Making the decision to have a child is a major undertaking for any woman. While some children come as surprise blessings, planning your pregnancy can give you a major advantage from the very beginning. All Female Health Care, a women’s health care center in Fort Lauderdale, is here to support all areas of your reproductive health. From providing birth control options for women who are not ready to be a mother to testing preconception care for women who are, we provide the highest quality care for all patients.

If you are planning to begin your journey of motherhood, here are five benefits of preconception health care.

Identifying Potential Challenges

Many women who are just beginning their pregnancy journeys assume actually getting pregnant is easy. Conception is often joked about as ‘the fun part’, yet for many women, it comes with disappointment, sorrow, and feelings of inadequacy. Even those who have had prior pregnancies may struggle to conceive for any number of reasons. 

Rather than internalizing guilt, frustration, and confusion, preconception health care can help identify potential challenges before they become an issue. This includes factors like health conditions, previous use of certain birth control, fertility issues, age, and weight. 

Being informed of these potential challenges prior to attempting conception can help to ensure your success. By seeking preconception health care at a women’s health care center in Fort Lauderdale you have the best possible chance at a healthy pregnancy.

Identifying Ovulation Windows

While technology has produced home tests that can tell you when you’re ovulating, a medical professional at All Female Health Care can personally analyze your ovulation cycle to find your ideal window for conceiving a child. We take the guesswork out of trying for a baby, helping you avoid the anxiety and disappointment each month. While no one can promise you will conceive on the first try, preconception health care can help to make the process easier.

Health Management

Your overall health greatly affects your ability to conceive and carry your pregnancy to term. If you have pre-existing health conditions which can impact your pregnancy or attempts to conceive, a women’s health care center in Fort Lauderdale can help to mitigate those risks. Things such as lowering blood pressure, managing pre-pregnancy weight, or identifying medications which may interfere with conception all increase your chances of success.

Once you are pregnant, All Female Health Care continues to provide health management support up to and post-birth. We can provide all monitoring and testing services necessary to ensure you and your baby’s health along the way.

Full Gestational Monitoring

Speaking of pregnancy, preconception health care continues into prenatal and post-natal care. This means you have the support of an OB/GYN and other specialists from the conception and through birth. Everything from monitoring baby development to creating your birth plan can be handled right here at All Female Health Care. By working with one time throughout your entire pregnancy, you can rest assured your needs are the top priority. Your family becomes part of our family.

Mental Health Support

Conception, pregnancy, and motherhood can all be incredibly taxing on both your body and mind. At All Female Health Care, we understand that taking care of both throughout the pregnancy and after birth are important. Beyond post-partem depression and post-partem psychosis, the hormonal changes can be challenging for any mother-to-be. Additionally, managing stress and anxiety create a better environment for baby to grow and thrive.

Let us help you begin this new and amazing life journey. All Female Health Care, a women’s health care center in Fort Lauderdale, we are here to support you every step of the way.

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