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Prolapsed Uterus Specialist

All Female Health Care

Safieh Javid, ARNP

Obstetrician & Gynecologist located in Sunrise, FL

Most women aren't aware that their uterus can fall out of position so they don’t recognize the symptoms and don’t seek help at an early stage. Safieh Javid, ARNP, and the team at All Female Health Care understand that a prolapsed uterus can be an embarrassing and challenging problem. They also have extensive experience providing nonsurgical treatment that restores your health. If you have signs of a prolapsed uterus, don’t wait to schedule an appointment. Call the office in Sunrise, Florida, or book an appointment online today.

Prolapsed Uterus Q&A

What is a prolapsed uterus?

A prolapsed uterus occurs when your uterus drops down from its normal position. This problem occurs when the muscles holding the uterus in place, called your pelvic floor muscles, weaken and stretch. When the uterus prolapses, it pushes into your vagina.

Your uterus isn't the only organ supported by the pelvic floor muscles. Though not as common, your bladder, rectum, and small intestine can also prolapse.

What causes a prolapsed uterus?

Your pelvic floor muscles weaken for many reasons, including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Vaginal childbirth
  • Difficult labor and delivery
  • Delivering a large baby
  • Low estrogen after menopause
  • Straining during bowel movements
  • Chronic cough or bronchitis
  • Repeated heavy lifting

Natural age-related changes also weaken your pelvic floor muscles.

What symptoms occur because of a prolapsed uterus?

One of the earliest signs is a feeling of pressure during physical activities or sexual intercourse. As the prolapse worsens, you may:

  • See or feel a bulge in your vagina
  • Feel like something is coming out of your vagina
  • Experience aching in your pelvic area
  • Feel pelvic pressure when coughing or standing
  • Struggle to insert tampons
  • Develop low back pain
  • Lose sensation in your vagina
  • Have urinary incontinence or retention

Uterine prolapse symptoms typically get worse the longer you're on your feet or active. In severe cases, you may have tissues protruding out from your vagina.

How is a prolapsed uterus treated?

All Female Health Care can diagnose a prolapsed uterus during a pelvic exam. After determining the severity of the prolapse and talking with you about your symptoms, they create a treatment plan that may include:

Pelvic floor exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by repeatedly contracting and releasing the muscles.


A pessary is a soft, flexible device that goes inside your vagina. When the pessary is in place, it helps support your uterus and holds it in its normal position.

Weight loss

If you're overweight, losing a few pounds takes pressure off the uterus. Your provider also recommends treatments for problems that cause straining like constipation.


A severely prolapsed uterus may need surgery to reposition the organ and repair your pelvic floor muscles. If you need surgery, Ms. Javid can assist your surgeon as she’s a registered nurse first assistant.

If you notice signs of a prolapsed uterus, call All Female Health Care, or book an appointment online today.